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Giving is one of our responses to God’s awesome gift of his son – Jesus Christ - to us. Giving provides blessing to others and helps to answer the needs of God’s people. It is also an act of discipleship. Here we express an act of obedience and trust – that our God will provide for our needs. The Apostle Paul reminds us that giving should never be forced or grudging, but an act of a redeemed heart that is both voluntary and cheerful. ‘Let each one give as he has made up his own mind and purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or sorrowfully or under compulsion, for God loves a giver whose heart is in his giving.’ (2 Corinthians 9:7).


Funds may be transferred directly to the Southland Church BankSA account using the following Australian bank details and adding an optional note, e.g. “Offering”, “Tithe”, “Special Gift”, etc.

Account Name: Southland Vineyard Church Incorporated
BSB: 105-090
Account Number: 042575240

We use for online credit card donations to Southland Church.


Southland Compassion is a ‘Deductible Gift Recipient‘.  If you are an Australian taxpayer you may be able to claim your gift to Southland Compassion as a tax deduction.  If you require a receipt for your donation please contact_us or leave a note in the note/memo section.

Funds may be transferred directly to the Southland Compassion BankSA account using the following Australian bank details.

Account Name: Southland Compassion Incorporated
BSB: 105-079
Account Number: 045791740

We use for online credit card donations to Southland Compassion.

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