Values define our DNA; they describe what we are made of and give context to why we do what we do. The following four values are our building blocks for life and ministry.

The Bible: The Bible is God’s Word and, as such, is our final authority in all matters of life and ministry. We value thoughtful exposition of Scripture taught in practical and inspiring ways.
Culture: We value speaking the truth plainly and in love. Sometimes this will be uncomfortable as cultural views and truth diverge.
Worship: Jesus is at the centre of our worship; we value worship that is Spirit led and intimate.
Kingdom of God: We value God’s dynamic rule, listening for His voice, obeying His leading and making room for His works of power.
Being Spirit Led: We value the guidance of The Holy Spirit in all we do. We want to hear God’s voice and obey Him.
Prayer: Prayer is primarily a dialogue in which we aim to listen to the Holy Spirit and fully disclose our hearts to The Father with all kinds of prayers and intercessions.
Prophecy: Prophecy brings revelation of God’s heart for the ‘now’. We value prophecy that is Biblically consistent, natural in delivery and supernatural in its origin.
Reality: Our approach to God’s presence is real and raw. We want to avoid ‘effect’ and ‘pretense’ in a way that is ‘naturally supernatural’.


The Individual: We value people as they are. We seek to build real, intimate, valuable relationships based on mutual love and respect.
The Church: We value both the institution and the people who are The Church. The Church is God’s Holy instrument for the expression of His kingdom.
Servant Leadership: We avoid titles and privileges that create a divide between people. True leadership is given by those following and never taken by those in authority.
Integrity: We aim to deal with people honestly and consistently, treating adults as adults and being transparent in our communications.
Unity: Our brothers are never our enemies. We love the whole Church, even when we disagree.
Mercy: Mercy triumphs over judgement. We aim to deal mercifully with people who struggle in all areas of sin.
Simplicity: We avoid behaviour or speech that is inaccessible or unhelpful.
Christlikeness: We want to become more like Jesus as we worship and serve together.
Incarnational: The Church leaves the building every Sunday to carry the Gospel to families, neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces.
Marketplace: We value Christ centred ministries in the marketplace. This is where we live, work and recreate.
Sending: We are committed to ‘sending’ trained ministry teams to churches and ministries, locally, trans-locally and cross culturally.
Church Planting: We value church planting. Church planting is the fastest and most effective way to reach a culture with the Gospel.
Training: All believers should be trained to do the works of ministry. We value training at multiple levels, including formal Bible training, discipleship training and life skills training. This includes maintaining up-to-date Child Safety policy and access to required documentation. See PDF to access.
Ministry: We are committed to an apprentice styled “show and tell” model to prepare people for ministry. Ministry is often ‘caught’ more than ‘taught’.